8:59 PM Saturday, <May 1>, <2010>
Looking in a mirror?
Born at 1:22am on Thursday, April 29, 2010 at Prentice Women's Hospital. She was 6lbs, 12oz and 19.5" at birth. She's amazing. Cute. Adorable.
Tuesday night, well, early Wednesday morning, Tracy woke me up around 3am telling me her contractions are getting fairly regular, like 10-15 minutes apart. I take note, and go back to bed, thinking I need to get my sleep if she's giving birth soon. But by morning the contractions haven't gotten too much closer together, but still fairly regular, and she calls in a sick day. Couldn't really work in that condition. I however worked from home anyway, since I work from home. Between contractions she managed to stay on her feet, do some gardening, but around 5pm they started getting closer together and much more intense, to the point she was curled up on the couch. We decided to head to the hospital, even though we didn't hit the line of contractions every 5 minutes for an hour, only getting as close as 7 or so. We got to the hospital around 7:30pm Wednesday night, find out she's 5cm, get sent upstairs with an epidural by 9pm, shortly after which we find out she's 7cm and they break her bag of water. 3 hours later she's fully dilated and ready to start pushing. However, Lucy had some dips in her heartrate during some position changes, and likewise they started happening again during active labor, so out came the forceps, and then at 1:22am, Lucy was born. She even started crying as soon as she came out, and all those shows and/or movies with the crying at the moment of birth? All true. Neonatal team was standing by, gave her the once over, just in case, and she's fine, ends up with an 8/9 apgar, and while Tracy's getting patched up, Lucy gets brought over. Eventually I remember I need to let my parents know who drove out from Woodstock after I called around 9pm. They actually ended up going home after meeting Lucy around 3am. The new family gets sent up to recovery, where we hang out for the next three days, since it's also true that since she was born after midnight, we got to stay until Saturday. Tracy and Lucy are doing great, recovering just fine. Lucy was a little cool and had to spend a little time under the heater, but otherwise is great, 10 fingers, 10 toes. I got to stay in the room, they had a little pull out couch thing, and Prentice does rooming in, so we spent a lot of time together. Grandparents came to visit, and Mike and Amy too, and my parents went back to our place to clean on Friday. Thanks for all the kind wishes as the news slowly trickled out. But we're home now, Tracy zonked out and snoring on the couch, Lucy sleeping quietly in her pack n' play bassinet waiting for the 11pm feeding. This is awesome.