9:49 PM Friday, <March 19>, <2010>
I might be working too much. It's really easy when Tracy's on the night shift, to just stay in front of the computer while she is too. Will be even easier when she moves out to the living room as well, and then I'll just say it's keeping her company. But really easy to keep working. But this time it was more like there's something I was striving for, rather than a deadline I needed to meet. So that's good. Otherwise, more random stuff for eating today. Except for breakfast. Made the turnovers again, since it was Friday. Sardines for lunch. And a PB&J. Ramen for dinner. Also made espasol for the baby shower tomorrow out at the Argaos. Wonder what our loot's gonna be like. Hopefully good. Will try and get a good workout for my camera. Will try keeping the aperture not quite so wide open to increase some sharpness. Hopefully. Might rebuild the Mac mini, finally put Snow Leopard on it. That's if we move the computers out to the living room this weekend. Still got to put the railing up. Maybe I'll try that this weekend too.