8:45 PM Wednesday, <March 3>, <2010>
Okay, I cede there is a bad point to working from home: it's hard to separate work from home time. That blended a bit over the last day and night when I had to meet a deadline. But still good. I also think having one big screen instead of two small screens is more productive. It's like single tasking, instead of multitasking. Did some errands today, so again got out of the house. Still feel the cold coming on, not quite full strength, but it's not going away either. I am disappointed tha I haven't been posting my new camera photos to flickr on a timely basis, or even at all. It doesn't bode well for the future baby pictures. Also, my online reading is decreasing rapidly. Crazy. And I even started paring down my Google Reader feed list before I started slacking. Again, crazy.