5:01 PM Friday, <January 22>, <2010>
Finally got storytlr setup on a test machine. It's pretty sweet. I've actually been trying to use Tumblr to do exactly that, capture all my activity online in a single location, like a lifestream, and FriendFeed does it too, but not nearly as pretty as Tumblr, but Tumblr had a limit of 5 data feeds, while my rolling my own is unlimited. Of course, I had to figure out how to compile php for Mac OS X to get odd things working like pdo_mysql and tidy and mcrypt and I still need to get jpeg and some other stuff working. Of course, I now need to keep track of updates and make sure it's up to date now. Ugh. Maybe I won't start up self hosting. Weekend, except not really, because I'm still watching this data load for work. When it's working fine and completing in time, it's easy peasy, otherwise, annoying. Got to get a plunger that fits the drain on our toilets, since the one we got doesn't. No suction. So we're down to one toilet for now. Played Wii Fit Plus for the first time last night. It's pretty sweet with the groupings. Nice quick and easy exercise routines, prepackaged. Tracy had a request for kolaches again, so wandered over and picked some up from delightful pastries in the Chicago French Market. Ended up getting some tarts too. Supposed to have dinner with Rysa and Jespy this weekend. Otherwise, I need to be around a computer in the afternoon/evenings. Also going to look at baby furniture tomorrow.