1:51 PM Tuesday, <January 19>, <2010>
Well, went ahead and put an order in for a GF1 through Amazon. I saw it was in stock on the Panasonic Website, then saw it come in to Adorama, then 1 day later, no longer in stock at either of those. I assume there's a shipment headed to Amazon and hopefully I'm not too far down the list. I'm really looking forward to having a real camera for once in my life. Should be interesting. Odd to see the sun again. Makes everything much better. Restored my iPhone last night. Seems like the battery's been draining extra fast lately, so I wanted to try the restore, since it supposedly helps. I've already taken off all the media, so it wasn't too lengthy of a process. But after restoring, it's super snappy. Teh Snappy even. But still seems like the battery is draining. Maybe I should start deleting apps I'm not using. Made a mini cake last night. The small springforms work great. Just need to frost them. Kind of feels like one of those easy-bake ovens in terms of size. I wish I had thought of it sooner. Next up I want to make a mini black forest cake.