4:50 PM Friday, <January 8>, <2010>
MacBook is still chugging along. Snowpocalypse wasn't as bad as I was hoping for. I think Tracy's starting the nesting stage of pregnancy, which means I've got some work to do on cleanup, getting rid of some boxes, doing some file organization. Exciting. Got a package yesterday, the Gilmore Girls complete set, more for Tracy than for me, G.I. Joe: Resolute which they don't sell at the iTunes Store so I had to get a physical copy, Wii Fit Plus and a Thermaltake BlackX, which is a SATA USB HD dock. Just means I can use those 2 1TB HD I replaced in the Drobo for actual offsite storage of important things, mainly iTunes Store purchases and photos, important for when the baby comes around. Headed out to Woodstock tomorrow night. Paid last bit of estimated taxes for 2009. I'll never understand that. Especially the part of getting fined for being late on your estimated taxes. Ugh.