4:39 PM Wednesday, <November 11>, <2009>
I love The Publican. Tracy loves it too. Pork is good. Pork is better than good. Also good? Pork rinds. Also good? Oysters. And suckling pig. And country ribs. And the frites. And the oatmeal stout. Oh, and probably best of all? Pork belly. Yum. Hoping it'll become a regular spot, but probably only affordable on a bi monthly (the one that's every 2 months) basis. Also good to see Ultimate friends I haven't seen in a while, Leo (tall), Bryan and Sally. Oh, the days of dinner out. To be young again. Had some computer networking issues last night, and my on board Airport card is no longer even visible on the MacBook. Awesome. Almost started thinking about having to get a new computer today, but then I got it working again (reinstalled drivers). After the doctor's appointment this morning dropped by the Apple Store to try and help decide between a MacBook Pro 13" or MacBook Air. I know the first is a much more utilitarian machine, but I can't get over the sexiness of the Air. Still hoping the Air gets an update before I have to get a new machine, with at least the glass trackpad. And AAPL rises a bit more to help cushion the blow.