10:22 PM Monday, <April 20>, <2009>
Trying to get some things done that have been sitting on the todo list for a while. I tend to let mail just pile up, figuring anything important I do online, but that's not completely the case. There's still a few things that have to actually have checks written out, envelopes sealed, and stamped. Which means I had to go out and get stamps. Kind of annoying actually. Had a little drizzle on the way in to work, didn't see too many bikers out this morning. No rain on the way home, but it was windy, so took it nice and easy. Needed to grease up some gears by the time I got home, but my grease gun is all out. I need to track down the spare I should have at the old place. I still need to really wipe the bike down, it's getting pretty bad. Tracy made chicken teriyaki for dinner, watched Bones and My Boys and watched the Bulls - Celtics game. Exciting stuff.