9:23 PM Wednesday, <February 25>, <2009>
Looks like our closet is all fixed. So that's good. Lent arrived. So it's all about finding non meat stuffs to eat on Fridays. Last night worked out after a couple week hiatus. Of course I'm sore today. Watched Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. Also made some phone calls to family members. Also cleared out that closet for the workers today. Also tried out Safari 4 Beta. I'm a fan. The only thing I still don't like? Using the keyboard command 'v' in Google Reader opens the link in a new window, at least on Windows, and you can do a single window trick on OS X so the link opens in a new tab, except the tab comes to the front. There's options on Google Chrome and Firefox that make it a lot more usable. I like to go through Google Reader opening interesting items up in the background, and after finishing, go through the opened links. Oh well. But it's good enough I think. So I'm using it.