12:19 PM Thursday, <January 29>, <2009>
Tracy's coming down with something, cold, flu, bronchitis, lupus, sarcadoisis, some other disease that's shown up on House. Basically just coughing and phlegmy. I assume whatever it is I'll catch it soon enough. Did my Urbanathlon training exercises again last night. Not upping any weights, but increasing reps. Did that while watching The Cable Guy, which I caught probably the last half of. It's interesting, with lots of funny people in it. Dinner was comfort food, noodle soup and frozen pizza. Watched Private Practice and Scrubs. I tried working on the Phantom Display on Macbook issue, which I can't seem to fix. Still plowing through DVD transcodes, up to Blade this morning. Also started rewriting the css for Daily Dose development. Hopefully I can find some layout tricks to make it easy to do this time around.