3:18 PM Thursday, <December 18>, <2008>
Passed on another boys night tonight, due to the weather forecast. Instead, I'm going to make sugar cookies for my wife. Sweets & Savories last night was pretty good. Had the Kobe Burger, beef tallow fries and truffle mac & cheese. Fries I think were my favorite. There were other things on the menu that I also wanted to try, so I want to take Tracy there at some point. The only odd thing was showing up early and being the only person in the restaurant, besides the hostess/bartender/waitress. Definitely odd. But the place was maybe half full by the time we left. Haven't been exercising at all recently, can't remember the last time I even weighed myself on the Wii Fit. Maybe tonight, but I'm actually still sore from bowling on Tuesday. I should be finished up transcoding season 1 of Veronica Mars, and The Matrix trilogy and the six Star Wars movies. Maybe some Kevin Smith movies and the Friends series next. 22 minute sitcoms make for pretty quick and easy Apple TV viewing while waiting for stuff.