4:17 PM Monday, <November 10>, <2008>
Kind of a busy weekend. Friday night had leftovers and played a lot of Wii. It can be a pretty good workout, especially movements that you never use, like swinging a bat, or throwing a baseball, things I never ever do. Saturday watched a whole lot of The Unit. Wanted to do some vacuuming but our vacuum is broken. Ugh. I took it apart multiple times, and can find anything obviously wrong with it. It just doesn't turn on. Power flows through it, but no lights. Next weekend we'll have to get it out to a repair place. If I had an Xtracycle I could have biked it out, but can't really carry it around myself. Ended up making Lemon Chicken for dinner. Watched Smallville. Sunday ran some errands, watched more The Unit, finally cancelled my gym membership, ended up making ribs for dinner. Watched Desperate Housewives and Eli Stone. It was weird because we were done with dinner by 7pm. An early night for sure. I did get new brake pads for my bike, and maybe I'll get around to biking back in to work again. Also borrowed my parents vacuum cleaner, since our place really needed it. You kind of get strange looks from people when you walk down the street carrying a vacuum cleaner.