10:15 PM Tuesday, <October 14>, <2008>
With the weather getting cooler, I tried out using a sweater vest for biking. And wow, it keeps me warm. Impressively warm. And I look pretty snazzy wearing it. Also, I raised my seat a bit more, and it's like night and day. Legs aren't as sore any more, and I seem to get more power. I'm cruising in 6th and occasionally get up to 7th. I'm impressed. Either I'm getting in shape, or I'm closer to getting my bike dialed in. However, some creaking has popped up again. Have to see what's up with that. Monday night tried making a Zuni Cafe style roast chicken. I even used a hair dryer but my skin wasn't crispy. Annoying. Chicken was good though. Ended up shredding it and Tracy used it in a tetrazzini concoction. Watched TV with dinner. Last night it was an episode of Private Practice that the DVR missed and I bought in HD off the iTunes Store. Quality was amazing. And the lack of commercials? Awesome. Tonight watched Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Big Bang Theory, and Samantha Who?.