11:56 AM Tuesday, <August 26>, <2008>
So, bought my first thing off craigslist yesterday. Absolutely amazed at how easy it was. Tracy found the listing on Sunday, emailed, left a phone number. I got the call yesterday, said we could take a look last night. Met up with Tracy, went to dinner at Exposure Tapas Restaurant, then went to the apartment building. Walked in, saw the bookshelf, said we'll take it, handed over the cash, walked out with a bookshelf. Just that easy. Amazing. No tax, no paperwork, nada. Just an exchange of money for goods. Simple. Pure. Oddly freeing. Anyway, biking over to the south Michigan Ave. was interesting after work, as I didn't take the best way to get there. And getting home was rough just because it was a nice constant headwind, and I took the lake front path, so no stop and go. Rough. Tiring. But the bookshelf looks good, even if the rear surround speakers aren't evenly spaced. Annoying. Headed out to the Duke tonight with Russell. And it's been a little chilly lately.