4:37 PM Thursday, <August 21>, <2008>
Watched Mad Men and Eureka over leftovers last night. Tracy had gone to her parents place after work, to possibly pick up some deck furniture and to not get caught up in Cubs night game traffic. Just means I was on my own for a little bit. After she got home we watched Misty May and Kerri Walsh win the gold medal. That was pretty cool. Beach volleyball is a pretty nice sport to get behind, besides the obvious reasons, it's short, well, at least when you watch the dominating team, and pretty exciting. And I'm still intrigued by handball, and I still haven't seen any table tennis on TV yet. I'm annoyed that my wireless network isn't fast enough that I have to plug in to do any time machine backups. Don't really want to have to double up, with an N only and a B/G for everything else. Would be nice if the iPhone nG does 802.11n networking since that's the only reason to have a b/g network right now. I'm also totally hooked on tangrams. There's a couple iPhone applications, and it's totally something to do when waiting for stuff. Couch is set to be delivered on Saturday. Add a Facebook application to my list of someday projects. Since they took away the Social Timeline, I'd love to whip up something where you keep track of teams you played on, tournaments you went to.