8:14 AM Tuesday, <August 19>, <2008>
Whoops, forgot to update yesterday. Friday night had grilled pork chops for dinner on the deck. Then headed out to Zentra to see Jesse and Missy spin. Saturday Tracy worked, so slept in, made the bins fit in the corner recycling center, watched some TV. Not much going on Saturday night, just a grocery run. Sunday, had JEspy over for the Chicago Air and Water Show, grilled ribs and tried to smoke a brisket. The in-laws came over for a little bit as well, after watching from Mike's place. Didn't work on my bike at all, so I'm taking public transportation until I get around to fixing it. I get to do some reading though, which is nice. Yesterday had to pick up rice from the old place for dinner of ground meat, beans, and squash. Good stuff. Watched more Olympics. I still haven't seen any table tennis, but I did get to see some trampoline, after Jesse told me about it. Oh, also tried jailbreaking my iPhone on Friday night, but failed, but didn't brick it, so I'm back to just jailed iPhone. I think the only reason I want to is to be able to play Gauntlet. That's pretty much the only reason I can think of.