2:00 PM Friday, <August 8>, <2008>
Hung up the mirror and a cabinet in the second bedroom last night. Furniture assembly is getting easier. Hanging stuff I'm still getting used to, but knowing what I'm drilling and screwing into wall-wise is great. So now we have some actual storage in the second bathroom. Still need to check on that light though. Next up I think is maybe some hooks for grilling stuff on the deck console table, maybe hanging more stuff in the living room. Maybe I should get some sort of leveling application for my iPhone. Actually, could use a straight edge, that would come in handy. Also did a load of laundry. Which was awesome. No waiting, no worrying, and actually forgot about it for a bit. Also managed to set up the Mac mini in the second bedroom, or the studio or library as it's going to be. Have a Drobo on the way, so I'll be getting rid of my firewire enclosure. As long as it's much quieter. Also have a corner recycling center on order, and hopefully it'll fit, and if not, it goes back. But then we'd actually have a garbage in the kitchen. Going to Green City Market tomorrow, and first breakfast at the new place. Also Northalsted Market Days are this weekend, so that should be interesting. Going to also try and find some window and door treatments this weekend as well. And some sleep.