12:14 PM Tuesday, <August 5>, <2008>
So big storm last night. Tornado Warning even. Heard the sires go off, and it wasn't even the first Tuesday of the month at 10am! Even had Lakeview listed on the weather reports and the National Weather Service announcements on the TV. Tracy and I got some blankets, put some real clothes on, found a light, some candles, a rain jacket, and watched TV from the kitchen, just waiting for 8:30pm to pass. And so it did. Just lots of rain, thunder and lightning. Deck furniture actually faired ok, the umbrella didn't blow away or break in half, just moved a little over. We did however notice that some of our windows were leaking, so we put some towels down. Need to figure out where it's coming from, and work with the seller to see if it's anything serious. Hopefully it's not. Otherwise, Tracy made some pork for dinner. I need to find a quieter solution for data storage, as the firewire enclosure is just too loud. Maybe a Drobo? Just need something quiet. And I've got a lot of wiring issues to deal with. But I'm still pretty tired and sore from Muddy Buddy. Think we're moving some more stuff tonight after work.