11:32 AM Wednesday, <July 30>, <2008>
Leftovers for dinner last night. Went through bills and stuff, setting up auto pays where applicable. Started looking for a garbage/recycling solution for the kitchen, taking shelves out of cabinets, trying to find a space that fits some preexisting solution. But no luck. Did find a really cool recycling center that fits into a corner cabinet, where a lazy susan would go. Where does the term lazy susan come from anyway? But our cabinets are kind of custom, so I'm not sure if it would completely fit in the space. Very annoying. I totally want a pull out trash, top mounted, like my parents have in their kitchen, but the available cabinet isn't big enough, unless I try and make my own, which I might do. Annoying. Tracy organized the deck wet bar area with outdoor dishes and glasses. Finally got around to doing another Time Machine backup, which took forever. Home network is 802.11b/g/n since it's set up as a WDS, and I don't think I want to double up on access points, although it is tempting.