12:20 PM Friday, <July 25>, <2008>
Finally slept there last night. Made a couple of moving trips, packed up a lot more stuff, including clothes and pillows and our duvet. Put the desk together, picked up some cold cuts for dinner, then after the 2nd moving trip sat down and got computers/internet up and running. Had to call Comcast and get the cable modem reregistered. Again. But it's working. And the home network is completely wireless, which means it's slow, well, slower for some slinging movie files around. For example, I wanted to get Shooter on my iPhone since I'd be busy all day with Market Track moving and might have some down time to watch something. But it was going to take forever this morning. Oh, and I'm having issues once again with my firewire enclosure. Now I think it's related to the power supply, having issues delivering enough juice for 8 drives. And it's really loud. If I can't move it into the closet, I may have to start looking at getting something quieter for Time Machine backups and media storage. Maybe a Time Capsule? Definitely have to get another Apple TV. Oh, had some trouble sleeping last night, it being a new bed and space and all. Showering was different, felt very much like a hotel shower. Nice though. Definitely feels like home now. Especially with internet access.