1:43 PM Wednesday, <July 23>, <2008>
So the tape job wasn't so good. Lots of leaking, not so even, so some of the old blue peeks through in spots. Not good at all. So I'll have to go back in and do some serious touch up work. Took the train down to Midlothian last night, Tracy picked me up and we cruised up 294 to get to Maggiano's in Oak Brook. Last chance to see Ella before they visit again in October. Came back into the city, dropped off some more stuff that Tracy bought for the house, found out about my poor painting job. Plan to put the bed together tonight, and the bench, then take the chairs out of the boxes, oh, and put the umbrella up on the deck dining room table, and then put the desk together. Then comes the touch up painting. Still not sure what I want to do AV-wise. Still want to put together a completed Sketchup model. Oh, and call in and get another Comcast appointment. Ugh.