2:33 PM Friday, <July 11>, <2008>
New iPhone software update was released this morning, just as I was about to leave for work. I wisely chose to wait until tonight to do the upgrade. Otherwise, I would have been sans phone for the day, since there are/were issues with the reactivation process. Hopefully it'll be all nice and quick when I try it tonight. Also means I'm gonna try and set up getting work email on it as well. Which could be construed as a bad thing. We'll see. Rode home in the rain last night, but not the bad thunderstorms. That showed up after I went to the new place, dried off some clothes in the dryer in our unit, helped Tracy bring some stuff up from Bed Bath & Beyond, then headed back to the old place, and then the thunder and lightning hit. Leftover spaghetti for dinner. Watched another Joan of Arcadia. Started Point of Impact yesterday. Oh, also went upstairs to grab some more stuff we had in storage in the other condo. Our place is pretty crazy right now, lots of stuff out, boxes everywhere. Room & Board dressers and nightstands are getting delivered tomorrow. Going to get paint for the master bedroom tonight. Another moving run tonight as well. Painting this weekend. And totally off my exercise and training schedule. But trucking boxes up and down 4 flights of stairs has to come for some sort of physical activity, right?