3:28 PM Wednesday, <June 11>, <2008>
Finally got dinner at Frontera Grill with Tracy and April and Scott. Good, but expensive. Even showing up at 5:30 there was a 30 minute wait, and by the time we sat, the wait was up to 1-1 1/2 hours. I was on my bike, so I just biked home, Tracy got a lift to a bus stop, then the Halsted bus home and I beat her there. I wasn't even going fast. Finished up watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Watched that pretty much just on the iPhone, during the morning cool down, a little at lunch, a little before bedtime. I put a charger on my nightstand so I can watch a little before bed, and not have to get up and walk over to the main charger. Lazy? Just a bit. Forgot to mention the whole WWDC 2008 from Monday, and the iPhone 3G announcement. 3G and GPS would be nice, but otherwise I'm happy with what I've got. I have a feeling I'll be even happier after the 2.0 OS update comes out in a month or so. I'm totally looking forward to some sort of task management app. Setting up reminders as events is a pretty half-assed method.