2:37 PM Tuesday, <June 3>, <2008>
Finished up Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Wow. Crazy. Only 1 left now. Probably finish that up this week as well, which means it only took me a month to finish the series. Definitely feels good to be in bookworld again. I missed it. Not sure what's gonna take the place of the Harry Potter Books. Maybe some Ludlum if I can find some. Would be nice if they just sold them as eBooks. Ugh. Trying out the training program for the Urbanathlon. Just resistance and flexibility last night. Supposed to go running tonight. I'll decide after this weekend if I do it solo or in a team. Leaning towards solo now. Otherwise, watched some reruns, had some Ramen for dinner, picked some colors, installed 9.2.2 on the Cube, and did some reading. Tracy tried sketching out our new living room and trying out some paints on it. Otherwise, not much going on. Whatever illness/sickness I had after Costa Rica is gone. So that's good.