2:45 PM Tuesday, <May 27>, <2008>
Got rid of the the Gallery and the wedding websites. Frees up some disk space. I've tried to move most of the photos over to Flickr, but I haven't done the wedding ones yet. I'll get around to that eventually. Also need to take the next step and integrate Flickr with this website. Hopefully, won't be too hard. Still reading Harry Potter, up to Goblet of Fire. Long weekend was nice. Friday night Tracy and I walked down to The Wieners Circle for hot dogs, and then walked all the way down to Webster and Clark before heading back. Found a bunch of new restaurants we want to try. Watched House, Bones and How I Met Your Mother. Saturday got a haircut, just a bunch of lounging about, transcoded Spice Up My Kitchen episodes for Lisa and Ryan. Read some Harry Potter. Went down to Sai Cafe for dinner, walked over to Lincoln Avenue to check out the period dressing they've done for the John Dillinger movie with Johnny Depp that's filming. It's pretty cool to see. Watched Desperate Housewives and The Office. Sunday finally got around to the 5 loads of laundry that needed doing, watched Disturbia and In the Land of Women. Went over to Cozy's for dinner. And on Memorial Day went over to Argaos to grill, Tracy brought food, marinated chicken and beef. Stopped by Orland Square briefly on the way out. Watched Caffeine before leaving, and some Spice Up My Kitchen and Top Chef. Thinking my throat discomfort might be mucus related, so took some decongestant last night. Seemed to help. Will have to try again tonight.