2:58 PM Friday, <May 2>, <2008>
Ok, it's official, the first one got away. 907 W. Roscoe closed the other day. I admit, I was half hoping for the contract to fall through, but no such luck. Good thing though, we're looking at some places this weekend, 920 W. Barry, 3535 N. Reta, and 853 W. Buckingham. One of those might be like 3504 N. Fremont, which is good. But we'll see. Moving on. Last night I came home to a drunk Tracy, who spent the day with birthday girl April, first at the Cubs game, then at Harry Caray's Tavern. So, I let her sleep a little bit, and we didn't leave for Toast of the Town until 7:40ish. At about Grant Park, we have the cab turn around because Tracy forgot her ID, so we don't end up at the Field Museum until 8:30ish. The actual tasting is OK, like a fancy pants Wine Crush. Tasted some wines, got some food. Lots of dressed up people. Not a whole lot of traffic flow, lots of standing around and squeezing through groups. And the exhibits weren't open. So that was slightly disappointing. On the way out, the self organizing taxi line was an interesting phenomenon. Completely spontaneous. No lines, nothing written down, but people formed a line. Odd. Made it home ok, watched some TV, tried out the Haagen-Dazs Grean Tea, which was OK, not as good as Sai. Rode in this morning, used one of the panniers, knowing full well I'd be riding home in the rain. Depending on the weather, might go to Looptopia tonight. Gonna see Baby Mama with the Russells tomorrow. Sunday is real estate viewings. Other than that, gotta fit in some bike maintenance this weekend, and hopefully get rid of the creaking.