9:16 PM Wednesday, <April 9>, <2008>
I know, a late posting. It probably means the post tomorrow will be equally late or incredibly short. So watched a bit of Lucky You while Tracy made shepherd's pie. I do like how the movie shows off Las Vegas. Always good to see. Also watched Eli Stone while eating the pie, which was good, even if it was made with ground turkey instead of beef or lamb. Also spent some time trying to figure out to get Movable Type and WordPress MU installed locally. Getting all the requirements installed and working properly is the annoying part. Mysql, DBD::mysql, and php all talking together. Ugh. But finally got it all up and running, and just need to pick one to go with for Tun's Website. Otherwise, not much. I guess I'll just save tonight for tomorrow, so at least I'll have something to write about it.