9:53 AM Friday, <December 21>, <2007>
So Wednesday night, I miss the bus going home. Fine. I wait for the next one. Let it go because I know there's probably one behind it that's got available seating. Wait some more. Traffic's bad. I get on the next one. We get to LaSalle and Lake, and it stops, like the engine dies. Tries to restart. Doesn't work. Everyone gets off. I walk back to the bus stop at LaSalle and Randolph and wait for the next one. No problems with that one. All in all, waited 45 minutes before I got on the bus that took me home. Thursday night. Get on a bus going home. Exit at Belmont. Bus stops. Gets restarted. Bus stops again. Gets restarted. Bus stops as we're making the turn from the exit ramp onto Belmont. Coast under the underpass. Finally gets restarted and stays running long enough to get me to Cornelia. This morning. Just miss the tail end of at least 2 buses. But another one's coming. Pretty empty, I get a seat. 30 seconds I notice I'm sitting in a wet seat. Awesome. Seriously bad bus luck. Anyway, had a real dinner last night, Tracy made chicken and orzo. Watched Journeyman, some other TV. Talked to my brother. Not much planned for the weekend. Probably some eating. Supposed to pick up a really good steak from Fox & Obel for dinner tonight. Might be going to Wilde Bar & Restaurant tomorrow night. Might see Russell on Sunday. Probably should finish up the Christmas shopping. Also need to install RAM in Xenon, and move Argon into the second bedroom for the time being, before I get all my old email transitioned over to Google Apps.