9:43 AM Monday, <December 3>, <2007>
Friday night Tracy made an asian/mexican pork tenderloin with asparagus and rice for dinner. We watched something on TV, maybe Heroes] and Pushing Daisies. Saturday tried to call and transfer Tracy's number and set up a new account with AT&T Wireless but couldn't because my full name wasn't on the permission left by her brother on his current family plan account, but Tracy was able to set up a new account, but couldn't set up a Unity account because the land line was under my name. So now Gabe has to call back in, leave permission to my full name to take financial responsibility for Tracy's number. Annoying. Although with the way things are working out, I might just end up activating my iPhone, which was finally ordered on Friday, instead of picking up an additional phone for cheap through AT&T Wireless. Tracy did go with her other brother to a meet and greet with Pete Sampras and Todd Martin at the Midtown Tennis Club. We didn't go to the FedEx Tennis Shootout because of the weather, and instead walked over to Kanok for dinner. Saw some beautiful looking ice covered trees on the slippery walk over. Stopped by Treasure Island on the way home and picked up some bubbly (on sale) and mochiko flour. Oh, made some espasol Friday night as well, a little gummy though. Watched some more TV, 30 Rock, Samantha Who?, Notes from the Underbelly, and Scrubs. Sunday was a quiet gloomy day with the weather and all. Grits, bacon, eggs and fried rice for breakfast/lunch. Watched some football. Did some work on the bikes, took the shaft drive out of the Sprint, moved the fenders to the mtb. Tracy made more pork and sweet potatoes and mushrooms for dinner.