11:27 AM Monday, <November 19>, <2007>
Managed to not leave the condo this weekend. Friday night came home, Tracy made pork chops and we had some leftover gnocchi for dinner. Watched some TV. Can't actually remember what we watched all weekend in terms of TV, but the DVR is almost cleaned off again. Saturday nothing too exciting, as I was determined to finish off the Thank You cards from the wedding that was 6 months ago. Tracy spent the time getting her new computer all set up, which basically was bookmarks, music, and photos. She did it at the dining room table, so I set up shop there as well, and it kind of looked how I imagine it would be if we were still in school, with the laptops, papers and such on the table. We had frozen pizza for dinner, Tracy got the cheese only and put her own toppings on, in this case pepperoni, garlic, mushrooms and red peppers. I just went with sausage. More TV. Sunday, more of the same, had grits for breakfast, watched some football, watched Because I Said So, more TV, and yes, I finally finished the Thank Yous. Go expect those soon, after I run to the post office this afternoon. Also, I started reripping a few movies to the Apple TV, since they were missing like the last chapter. Annoying. Amazon Kindle got released today. Looks rather interesting. Just hope they can get more publishers and authors behind the whole eBook thing. And definitely switching over abando.com email to Google Apps over Thanksgiving.