10:40 AM Tuesday, <October 16>, <2007>
So, had another problem with my disk quotas at Prohosting, which means I couldn't write to my rss feed, so things weren't getting updated. Thanks to Russell for letting me know. I'm also on a month to month basis now, instead of yearly prepay, so I'm looking for options. Speaking of which, Leopard's release date was announced today. Of course it's tempting, and I've been waiting on it, as well as maybe updating some additional machines/network around the condo, but I actually have to run it by the wife first. Wouldn't have had to do that if I was single. I'll have to try and come up with some convincing arguments. Leftovers for dinner last night, watched Bionic Woman, Grey's Anatomy, The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, and Samantha Who?. I also made espasol for Tracy, which was pretty good. I think I've got a head cold, but it hasn't gotten that bad yet. I'm kind of surprised, as I'm usually flattened by an illness, but then it goes away. So this nagging type of cold is different.