12:30 PM Thursday, <June 14>, <2007>
Sorry to all the RSS readers. Had some disk quota issues with my hosting provider that I think should be cleared up now. Thanks to Russell for pointing that out. Another 3 miles running last night. Easier than Tuesday, that's for sure. I haven't been doing my other exercising (sit-up, push-up, pull-up routine), but I might have to start again. Tracy went to the Green City Market, brought back various sundries. And she had a craving for chicken salad so that was dinner (the kind with noodles). Tried to watch some Creature Comforts, which is kind of amusing, but got sick and tired of the audio drop outs from my cable box, so just quit that. Wish I could just get a Tivo. Or at least a cable box that didn't have audio drop outs. More frequently now, but I think it might have something to do with the 7-8 HD movies we've got saved on there. On a computer related note: I moved almost all my music off Carbon, so I now have lots of free space, which makes the machine run much faster, so much so that it feels like a new machine. Who would have thought 5GB of free space isn't enough for swapping.