1:40 PM Tuesday, <June 12>, <2007>
Apple's WorldWide Developer Conference started yesterday with Steve Jobs giving the keynote. Haven't watched it via Quicktime yet, and probably won't get around to it. No need. Nothing too exciting. No hardware to get excited about. It was interesting to see the stock price drop $4 almost immediately after the keynote ended. I did try Safari on Windows though, and it's buggy. Not sure why I'll be using it. I did figure out a little bit more about my backup lost music and shows issues. Only missing a handful of episodes of Studio 60 and Veronica Mars, and those are on the Apple TV, so I can get to them if I need to. Joined up to a new bittorrent tracker site, which has a Dale Brown torrent which I've been jonesing for. Otherwise, not much else. Dinner was macaroni and cheese and kielbasa. Watched the last couple episodes of House, which seemed like a fitting series finale, except that it's a season finale.