1:33 PM Thursday, <May 31>, <2007>
After dinner, that Tracy made of course, a stuffed chicken breast and corn on the cob, we actually ventured outside instead of plopping down on the couch in front of the TV. Kind of nice. I remembered by summer is a little annoying, because of all the bugs and stuff. But it was nice. Maybe we'll get into the habit. We'll see. I didn't go running yesterday, but managed to get a run in this morning. Contemplating training for a marathon, just to have something new to plan for. Also, as I was trying to get our Photo Montage and Honeymoon Slideshow converted for use on the Apple TV, I found that if you used any iTunes bought songs, you can't export from Quicktime any files that use those songs. Annoying. But there's always ways around it. If I can ever get around to figuring out how to switch tMac to OS X Server, I'll try and consolidate iTunes and iPhoto and movies onto one machine and one account, but of course something that's accessible to my wife as well. Ugh. Trying to normalize data files isn't as easy as normalizing a database.