10:17 PM Saturday, <March 17>, <2007>
Got the eyes checked out yesterday. Week later, all good. Actually slightly farsighted, which is good. As healing continues it'll even out. Also, I get to stop the drops, the antibiotics and anti-inflammatory. Now just the artificial tears from here on out. Got back to Tracy's, started making a backup of tMac. I thought firewire was faster than it was. I had to use it in target disk mode since it kept shutting down in OS mode. I made some crab ravioli (used wonton wrappers as a shortcut) for dinner. Not bad. Not exceptional, but didn't use anything too fresh, so that hurts. Also got some Green River in honor of the holiday. Saturday dropped off tMac at the Oak Brook Apple Store. They topped off the processor to see if it would shut down, and about 30 minutes later a nice electronic burning smell overcame the store. The machine never shut down, which was interesting. Upon taking a peek at the innards, some of the capacitors were starting to expand, one actually might have burst. Awesome. I was getting worried that it wasn't shutting down so I'd have to take it back without getting fixed. Anyway, Tracy and I did some shopping, I picked up some pants, sweaters, and jeans. Tracy got some cookies and some lotion. We got back to my place, started up the corned beef, and finished off The Office and Scrubs on the DVR. Watched Just Friends and The Family Stone.