1:59 PM Wednesday, <January 31>, <2007>
Drumline. You Got Served. I'm sure there's a couple others, any number of other movies that could get mixed in there, but throw those in a blender, or cut out all the plots, see how they all overlap, and turn it into a movie, and you get Stomp the Yard. And even though I've seen it lots of times, the same story, or parts of the story, it's still good. Still well done. Still actually made me want to dance. It was great seeing at City North. People were clapping and cheering at the end. Definitely added to the experience. After getting home, finished off Eureka. Looking forward to the next season. And, finally did laundry. 4 loads this time. Happy to get that out of the way. Of course, I traded that for exercising, since that got me an extra hour of sleep.