2:18 PM Tuesday, <January 23>, <2007>
Made dinner last night for Tracy, a Hash of the Chicken Variety, which was pretty good. Followed that up with store bought ready to back turtle cookies. I've been on a caramel craving, so besides the cookies, I bought some caramel brownie Haagen-Daz, even though it's the half fat version. I never buy the half fat anything. Tracy wasn't too enthusiastic about the living wall idea, which is too bad. Hopefully I can slowly bend her to my will. I just really like the idea of a living wall. It's cool. Tonight we're supposed to go to a movie, I think we're going to see The Queen, prefaced with dinner at Fox & Obel. I also think I'm going to start weaning myself off caffeine. That's gonna be hard cause I like coffee so much. Maybe just off the every morning cup of coffee to get going.