10:59 AM Tuesday, <December 26>, <2006>
Ah, that low period between Christmas and New Years. Bus was pretty much completely empty this morning, lots of empty seats. Very nice. Also, very quick. Christmas went well. Friday night sushi with Karl was good. Got some drinks after at a bar up there. Took the 22 home. Saturday headed out to Tracy's, had some breakfast, did some last minute shopping. Traffic was really annoying. Found my new favorite Christmas song, The Christmas Waltz. Didn't really listen to all that much Christmas music this year. Instead, on the drive out to Tracy's, listened to the NPR podcasts I'm subscribed too. I just feel bad that I don't take more time to listen to it, because I can only do it in the car. Can't read and listen to it at the same time. So with all the driving, put a big dent in the unheard podcasts. We rented The Break-Up and My Super Ex-Girlfriend, made some spaghetti, and watched them on her dad's projector in the basement. Pretty nice setup. Movies were OK, nothing too special. Didn't realize until the end that the kid from A Christmas Story was Joey Lauren Adams's husband, until the credits. Peter Billingsley. That comes into play Sunday night, after coming back in from Woodstock and lunch and mass with my family, we watched A Christmas Story with the turkey dinner my mom sent back with us. Christmas day I spent on the couch, watched Die Hard and Die Hard 2: Die Harder and the rest of Jack & Bobby, did laundry which got surprisingly busy, made pancakes and sausage for myself, flipped the switch to PHP5 on the website, and headed out to the Argaos for their family gathering. All in all a good long weekend.