12:58 PM Friday, <December 15>, <2006>
Learned the Tango last night. Tracy and I stuck around for Dancing for Every Occasion II, which is right after Dancing for Every Occasion I, since she had a couple make up classes to take. So we got to learn a couple additional steps. Much better time learning the Tango compared to that college class at Norris. Dinner this time was at Zocalo, just a couple blocks south. Pretty good fancy Mexican food. Got myself a tequila flight as well. Not bad. Hanging out with Russell tonight, headed over to Vessel Ideation. Tomorrow headed out for a cake tasting and maybe some tux selection. Finally got myself a haircut this morning. Definitely glad that happened. Amazing how much a difference a haircut makes to appearance. Oh, and found out that This American Life has a free podcast available, and NPR and PRI have also free podcasts, so I'm subscribed, and using the iPod a little bit more these days. Just a thought, but why can't TV do free video casts with commercials? Yes, you could just fast forward, but that's just like having a DVR. Would advertisers go for something like that?