2:14 PM Tuesday, <December 5>, <2006>
I've forgotten to mention that I've discovered, or rediscovered, the joy of a scarf to keep oneself warm on these cold Chicago days. From Tracy I learned to do the knotting thing, specifically, the European Casual method of scarf wearing. It's awesome. I'm totally bundled up, don't have a cold neck at all, heat's all staying inside my coat, except all the heat eventually leaves through my hands, cause my gloves aren't that good. That should be on the list of things to get. Tracy made pot roast last night, which was pretty good, but the mushrooms she made for the side dish were stunning. Really really good. Simple too. She also made some Italian dish we saw on Road Tasted. It was prosciutto, basil, and mozzarella flattened and rolled, like a jelly roll or a yule log. Really good too. Watched some more Kitchen Confidential, and keep hoping for the iTV, whenever that comes out.