Week's done. Finally. Really. Don't know why this one seemed to drag on for a bit. But it did. And I'm glad it's over. Except I'm on call this weekend. Got some things done last night while calibrating the battery on Carbon. It lasted a good 3.5 hours before dying. I haven't had a laptop, err, portable computer, that could last that long in a good while. Nice to have. It does disappoint me that updated MacBooks could be out as early as September, but that was just too far away from Bryan's now invalid discount. Been trying to get email2gallery working again, but failing. Issues with Procmail on Mac OS X Server. Or more specifically, it's issues with procmail and cyrus that's causing the problems. I think I just need to figure out which user to run procmail under. Gonna try and do a Chicago Architectural Boat Tour tomorrow with Tracy and the parents, some dinner too. Not sure what to do on Sunday though. Supposedly something with her brother who's returning to North Carolina. Me, I'm just hoping to catch up on sleep this weekend. Could use it, as always.