As planned, watched Flightplan and made Lemon Chicken for dinner. DVR is having some issues recording, although, I'm not sure if it's issues with the feed or not, just some occasional breakup. Not good. Very annoying. At least it was on Starz-HD. Hopefully this won't happen when the building switches cable providers. I'm so looking forward to that. October just seems so far away. The MacBook is currently, or at least now should be finished creating a portable home directory, which means my new machine should be good to go. Just need to install Parallels Desktop and Windows XP on it, bring it in to work to get Outlook sync'ed up, and I can actually do more work at home. Hmmm, guess I shouldn't be that excited about it. Will be nice when the weather finally breaks tonight, and I'm guessing it's gonna make for some spectacular storms. I've read some good things about Real World:Irving Park, so I'm looking forward to seeing that place at some point in the near future. And, I'm hoping to see the ladies of casual ultimate at some point as well, as I have a surprise for them. Which I might spoil if I ever get the photo posting from the cell phone working again. Or I just upload them to the gallery from an actual computer. One or the other.