2:27 PM Friday, <June 9>, <2006>
Went out to Tracy's last night, saw X-Men: The Last Stand, again, since she hadn't seen it. Still okay the second time around. Noticed the reverse aging (younging?) of the Professor and Magneto at the beginning this time around. Didn't notice it the first time around, but looking for it, well, it's a little disconcerting, kind of odd. You can definitely tell something is different about those two. But that was about it. I'm really intrigued by the stuff Google's doing recently. I just logged in to Google Spreadsheets, and that was after installing Google Browser Sync on the Firefoxes I use, and it makes me wonder if we're closer to a GoogleOS: the web based operating system. Most of my information that I want to have is making it's way online. It's becoming harder to be any sort of productive if I'm not online. The part about spreadsheets that tweaked this is the interface (a menubar? with file:save and file:open as options? Seems like an OS to me). And now Akira is intriguing me with the S3 stuff from Amazon, which I signed up for. Might use it as another backup medium. Just need a reliable way to get it out if everything else goes away. Going to see my friend James at some point this weekend, got Lisa and Ryan's Midwest Wedding BBQ on Saturday, and that's about it. Oh, and had lunch with Bryan at Jerry's Sandwiches yesterday when he came to pick up my tent for use at Poultry Days. Ha, Poultry Days.