1:38 PM Thursday, <May 25>, <2006>
Went to the Apple Store last night after work, again, to play with the MacBook, again. It's still too big, and of course there's a few issues with the production run, like running too hot, okay, maybe just one issue. But I want one. So as soon as some funds open up, I'll look into getting one, and then off load as many of my old computers as I can. I've heard craigslist is pretty good for this sort of thing, better than eBay. Other than that, figured more computing stuff out, like how to get the program guide to show up with the EyeTV 500 and finally uploaded a new gallery with pictures from Mexico. There's a handful that didn't load up properly, so I'll have to see what I can do to get those up correctly. And just watched a bit of TV. Nothing too exciting. Next for computing stuff I need to figure out how to burn DVDs from EyeTV recorded programs, and do some info consolidation.