11:31 AM Wednesday, <April 26>, <2006>
Ok, realized I should have done laundry last night instead of sitting around and watching Layer Cake and getting Open Directory and Networked Home folders working on Argon. Whoops. Anyway, Layer Cake was pretty good. Some jarring camera work in parts, but overall pretty entertaining. As always the accent took me a while to get back into, and even then, hard to pick up some of the conversations. Oh, and I totally buy Daniel Craig as the new James Bond because of that movie. With Argon set up finally, can have centralized backups, sync'd home folders, all good things. Very very nice. Getting closer to getting rid of Xenon, finally. Still no luck with Windows XP and VPN and routing for setting up work email. Kind of annoying, but not too bad. Feeling much better, just wish the rest of the mucus would vacate the body. Drove to work since I'm headed out to Tracy's tonight. Odd to be driving again, don't really remember the last time I drove. Kind of nice that way.