12:53 PM Tuesday, <April 11>, <2006>
Last day working for a week. Kind of nice. Still comprehending going to Paganello. Teammates are leaving already. I'm just trying to figure out what to pack and if I'm missing anything and need to get anything. Last night Tracy made some cabbage, bacon, and corned beef dish which I thought was pretty good. She wasn't happy, but she tackled cabbage without a recipe. Got the Sumajin Smartwraps yesterday. Very simple but well made, and will be very useful. Rest of my stuff should get delievered today; a bookshelf, wall candle holders, and a wallfiler. More info when it gets here and gets installed. Headed out to see Tracy tonight before I leave tomorrow. Also to do some last minute suburban shopping. We'll see if I actually do any updating once I get there.