Google Analytics. I signed up a while ago, but finally got the invite code a couple days ago, and enabled it. I checked in on it today, and well, it's amazing. Like wow. Especially the Geo map overlay. Seriously, who's reading this in London? Anyway, it'll be interesting to see after a month or so of tracking. Definitely. Probably should enable it on the Memex side of things as well. But I need to reboot Xenon, which has been acting up as of late. Tried to do some more cleanup last night, had a long catchup phone call with Jessica Jenkins. As for my shopping outing, well, I just don't like shopping in the city, at least for mass consumer goods. Niche artsy things, sure, I like the boutiques, but sometimes you just need a suburban shopping oasis with large parking lots and warehouse sized stores and fully stocked shelves. That's why I love online shopping. I did have a craving for a club sandwich, so I stopped by Melrose Diner and got one to go. Got no plans for tonight or tomorrow, maybe some more painting, maybe some tennis, if the weather's decent. On Sunday Tracy and I are going to see Rent at the Cadillac Palace Theater. I think it'll be my 3rd time seeing it, but 1st time at the Cadillac. Still got to see the movie though.