2:10 PM Tuesday, <April 4>, <2006>
The Russells came over first last night, stayed for a bit, liked the paint job, and left around 9pm. Akira and Tony showed up, and stayed till the end of the game. Tips from them: extending the painting to additional walls, keep colors in sightlines. Which translates for me to buy more paint. But overall, good responses. The game was alright last night, not really much of a close or exciting game but entertaining in the dominance factor. Otherwise, a pretty quiet evening. Some issues with the new glasses, they seem to get dirty awfully quickly and easily, and not quite clean with shirt sleeves, so I have to carry around the nice lens cleaner cloth with me. I'm back to carrying a man bag, but not much is in it, just a PSP and a pen really, and now my glasses case.