11:37 AM Monday, <February 6>, <2006>
Might as well admit to it, but my parents came out to the city this weekend to hang out, and well, clean and bring food. Yes, I'm soon be 29. Yes, my mom will still clean my place if I allow it. Same thing with the food. Hard to believe for most people, but those are two things my mom loves doing: cleaning and cooking. And she's phenomenal at both. So a big thanks to her. This also gave me an opportunity to clean out my closet a bit, which needed it. Also got another couple loads of laundry in. So that's good. Otherwise, watched a bunch of movies Saturday night and Sunday morning. Finally watched The Wizard of Oz all the way through, well, mostly all the way through, I think I slept though some of it on Friday night. The Super Bowl wasn't too entertaining, the commercials not quite the experience they've been in the past. Food and friends were good though. Special thanks to Liz and Sarah for their work on the jig-saw puzzle. I also managed to finally update my Gallery site, along with installing the second version, which I still have to update to the look and feel, which probably means I'll be updating Daily Dose to a css based layout sooner rather than later. Tonight I'm headed over the the Apple Store on Michigan Ave. to watch Tony give a little presentation.