8:08 PM Sunday, <January 15>, <2006>
Posting on a Sunday. Missed posting on a Friday. Weird. Anyway, Thursday made some meatloaf, since I had a craving. Watched some TV or some recorded movies or something. I forget. Which is why I keep this, so I don't have to remember. Anyway, Friday went out with the boys watching Munich and getting food at Darwin's. Management is changing there, so it won't be quite the same anymore. According to the wait staff, who were told that day there's a week left before it changes, some guys from Kincaid's are buying it and letting all the staff go. Not good. Darwin's was awesome. But like all good things, it gets swallowed up by the majority. Maybe it'll be like Neo and inject all the bugfixes back to the source. Anyway, did some laundry on Saturday before work, and then headed out with Lisa and Ryan and Tracy for Ryan's birthday. Scouted out Spot 6 which wasn't what he was looking for, tried going to SmartBar which was closed, and ended up at Trace drinking and sitting at a table. After that, ended up getting some food at Pick Me Up Cafe, which was really good. Sunday made some pancakes and bacon before Piece carry-out pizza and a growler brought over by the Russells for the Bears game. We'll see what I manage in terms of updating going forward.